Fastpitch Fam – Were softball coaches come to grow

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Fastpitch Fam – Were softball coaches come to grow - 24/7 access to your online softball coaching resource center

FastTip: Lead by Example


FastTip: Lead by Example

You don’t have to do everything you ask your players to do, but if you want them to make showing up on time a priority, make sure it’s one for you. If you want them to care for the environment they train in, show them it’s important by the way you care for it. If you want them to honor the game, make sure you do too. 😉

FastTip: Rock What You Got


FastTip: Rock What You Got

Stop underestimating yourself. There is something that all your life experiences and natural talents make you better at than most people. Rock that stuff! Let it shine. Be the best at it and make your talents, strengths, and knowledge count!

FastTip: Surround Yourself with the Right People


FastTip: Surround yourself with the right people.

According to Jim Rohn…

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

Choose them wisely. Negative people, the wrong people can suck the life out of you and burn you out fast! Surround yourself with people who lift you higher, inspire you, and leave you feeling energized and motivated even after just a short conversation. You might be surprised at how much of a difference it makes to spend time with the right people.